Sunday, December 07, 2008

Lets start the painful process...detailing!

(New entrants...please read first the post of 5th December and read up...)

They say God is in detailing....and I agree with it. Unless we are able to define to the bare facts, the desired results will not happen.

So first challenge:
a) Reach:
Currently I am getting encouraging feedback - but it is still from friends and people I know...but then they are friends, so they will always be there. It needs to be spread out more and we need people from a more diverse and wide spread background. (After all if they are close to me, then it also means that we think that is another risk!) Therefore people, please spread the word to everyone in your email lists! Lets get a momentum going. Unless the same happens, it will die a blog death!

Second Challenge: CANDIDATES!
Questions that come to mind are:
a) How to identify a right candiates
b) How to reach them and convince them to be part of the movement

this is critical as they have to be moral fibre to withstand temptation and courage to face the odds. I feel it is necessary that they have an Individual Standing in their own right. In Maslov's hierarchy, these should be people who are in the stage of "Self Actualization" They have a rich and varied experience in multiple leadership positions - managing people, myriad problems and having ability to look at things from both Macro and Micro view.
Very high level of Integrity is a necessity!
Some professions one can look at: ex CEOs, Ex Armymen...senior retd people, Teachers, x IAS Officers (yes all bureaucrats are not tainted by the system), Youngsters who have around 10 plus years of experience, in senior middle level management.
Some people who can used as template (if they themselves cannot be approached...) Kiran Bedi, Narayan Murthy, Azim Premji, Medha Patkar, x president kalaam, veterans of Kargil war!

come on guys....spend 10 minutes to help me in detailing and more ideas


Saturday, December 06, 2008

Some questions...some answers...

Not sure how many read and did not feel like a few reactions on mail and some comments on the blog (people who are reading late....please read the previous post first!)
Thought let me collate the views and questions and my responses.
Thankfully most have welcomed the idea and feel it is doable! However they have expressed (rightly so?) a doubt whether it is sustainable and can we even build the momentum?
My is a challenge, starting something is never easy. Lets start on a path and let the fellow passengers join! It is a definite challenge to maintain the interest and when the weekend rush is over and daily work pressure is back in action, it will require support of others...if for nothing else but just to goad me....I feel it is doable!

Is it a rash decision?
Rash or not is for all to decide. I do not think rash....foolhardy perhaps!

Do we think democracy suits us?
Well I feel democracy is the only option...we are too vast and diverse for dictatorship to succeed. And dictators...even benevolent ones have a very short shelf life...absolute power corrupts absolutely! So democracy it has to be!

Does our rules of democracy suit our demography?
Base level Yes. It requires an over haul, and some rules and norms definitely need to be junked and corrected, to make them more suitable to the times. But to change the same, you need to have people inside the system to do it.

Do we do enough ourselves?
I do not think so. We are too busy in setting our individual houses in order and trying to find ways to beat the system. I think time has to come to correct the system, so that people talk about following it, rather than beating it. We will have to "DO"

We should push for change in the way democracy is run for India.
Change the way our vote eligibility is defined!
Change the way democracy is a 51% game.
It shud never be a game of numbers,but of opinions and beliefs.
To change any rule, we need to be part of it. These need to be changed, but petitions, sending letters, writing about it is unfortunately not going to change. These needs to be part of agenda and aim towards our elected representatives should focus on, in order to improve things! will require a substantial money
Well the nomination filing fees is not very high...if I remember correctly it is only couple of thousands. After that is promotion expense. Viral marketing and awakening the passion of youth and word of mouth, is what I am counting on. Am hoping media will realise our worth and give us space. Am not really looking at a huge sums of money! It is not meant to make someone rich!

keep the thoughts following....ciao

Friday, December 05, 2008

Mumbai - do we just talk or should we UNITE to ACT!

What happened in Mumbai on 26/11 is known to all!
Whole of India is full on anger and talking about doing something. Questions are being asked, but 10 days from the incident still not a single, or to put it more in perspective not even a nano step has been taken by authorities which can give any sane person the confidence that there will not be a repeat of the incident. So what does that tell us?
They are waiting for the fickle and magnanimous Indian mind to accept their "fate", curse all the politicians and forget all about it as soon as the next item happens...guess India / England cricket series resumption is what they are waiting for focus to shift!
Well it has happened in the past and as all of them are jointly relying on this strategy! Congress, BJP. CPI, Right, Left....all have consistently failed us! They have not only let terrorism grow unabated, I feel they have supported the same, so that we do not ask the more serious question and ask them for accountability! Well again I can go about politicians and their ilk, but everyone knows about it, so lets cut the chase and think about can we do to improve things! Yes it is time to unite and act.
Well how can we the supposedly the "intellectual", "do not understand the grass root reality of Indian mind", "do not connect with the 70% of Indians who live in villages" do? Well we have till now be talking and feeling helpless, as politicians have been filling their coffers and systematically ensuring Indian does not come out its vicious circle of terrorism, poverty, over population, and CORRUPTION.

My Solution - Hit them where it hurts! India is a democracy and that gives us a solution

They (current politicians!) have been ruling in this ghastly fashion because India is in villages and they have
been ruling in this ghastly fashion because India is in villages and they have systematically ensured that these villages remain underdeveloped, uneducated and struggling to survive. Such people are easily duped and made to sold their vote – either by coercion or one square meal! They have the machinery to reach and manage the same, which is not easily possible to gain.

And we the educated class, have only been talking why to vote, who to vote....all politicians are scums...we exercise our mouth and move on...while the rule with impunity!

BUT thanks to the fragmented power equation today, it is not necessary to have 224 or so seats to have a majority and be in power! Today the key is to get a sizeable number of significant seats and be part of ruling coalition.

They have been dividing and ruling India, and this division is giving us an opportunity to take advantage. A "minor" voice which would normally have lost can NOW be made to heard.

Now in India we have over 30 – 40 decent towns / cities, which together should be giving around 100+ seats to the parliament.
I propose a party of Ex Armymen, Well established philanthropists, Industrialists (Mr. Narayan Murthy and the ilk?), people who have been working with NGO's, people who have made enough money and want to give something back.....basically people with Cleaner credentials, people who have done something in their own right and can now give something back to society!

So we assemble this set of people, check out their backgrounds, have them first convince the community on the Net that they are the right people for the job, and then we the "netizens" (83 million in per IDC) throw our weight behind them to get elected!

Money – totally voluntary, very little direct expenditure. The fees for fighting election is not that is buying the votes that requires heavy expenditure. We are NOT buying votes. We need to inform people about the candidates...Viral marketing..Internet...blogs (After all they say that over 1 lakhs people assembled at gateway of India, as One blogger just mentioned he will stand in front on Gateway of India on 3rd and rest it was all spread over!)

All promotion on the Internet and volunteers - simple printouts in Offices, Society Buildings, whereever one can put in my spending 5 minutes of his time daily!

We are a nation of youth and the youth today is on the Internet. They influence their parents, they are vocal, they can cast their votes and have others vote for their candidate

With Army candidates, I presume the current defense forces personnel should also feel more inclined to vote for them. The educated and "elitist" (supposedly) class should also vote for them
IT & ITES (BPO) is one of the largest employer base and will have sympathy for us!
Police & other bureaucrats – I do not think they will vote much for our party…but atleast some % should vote.

Remember it is all in the maths! A politician gets elected by not getting 51% votes, but more votes than everyone else. With over 10 candiates per seat – with 2-3 serious ones and 50 – 60% voter turnout – we are are talking of getting 15% votes for success..and 40% untapped, with a pie from the voting 60%..we have a numerical chance!
Election is 5 months away…time enough I think
We need
a) A core task force of 10 people - set up the team, set up infrastructure on the Internet, spread the word and ask people to nominate people or come forward to volunteer to fight the election. Set up site to become a central hub for all activities.

b) A sub force of 80 - 100 people

c) A field force of over 1000 people

Initial budget we need…less than couple of lakhs….it is not about money, but more about passion. From my end I can assure of the Physical infrastructure, hosting, and technical development support that the movement will require.

People are angry, people want to do something, they need to do only two things
a) Excite the right people to fight for elections and give them confidence of wining
b) Ensure we Vote for them and influence as many people are possible to vote for them.

The lakhs who have gathered at Gateway of India, can become hundreds of lakhs, provided they see clear leadership!

Remember revolution comes two way…either by Gun or by Power.
Gun is never a solution, but a peaceful protest has a very short shelf life, it gets coverage, it gets news, but then life goes on.
So hit them where it hurts…..take away their seats!
If we have 50 people in parliament, there will be HUGE difference the Indian people will see in the next 5 years!!! Small beginings...for great results!

In today's age all the new entrants to Fortune 100 have started from a "Garage"...small begining, but right idea, right people and concentrated efforts, have made them the biggest in the world! So why cannot we have Corporate India!

Challenge is in selecting candidates. and Ensuring they do not become part of existing system!!
There will definitely be some wolf among the sheep, but that cannot deter from stepping in the right direction!
Candidate evaluation:
a) Complete history & Background check
b) Complete financial and asset disclosure
c) A blank dated, signed resignation letter from Parliament!

A core committee to monitor the activity of these people and pull them up if anything wrong is done. The sword over their head - they are in the power seat, as "We the People" want them to be!

Is this just my flight on fancy or is it possible? Shades of movie "Yuvaa"...well if terrorists can learn from movies...why can we not!

What say!....time to Act!...remember we get what we elect!